Southern University (SU) College Connect Program

Southern University at Shreveport (SUSLA) began a collaborative agreement in the fall of 2010 with Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO). A similar agreement was reached with Southern University at Baton Rouge (SUBR) in the fall of 2012 and the Louisiana State University at Shreveport Campus (LSU-S) in the spring of 2016. The program offers developmental and beginning college-level courses to those students who do not meet criteria for regular admission to SUBR, SUNO or LSU-S. Such students will be allowed to enroll in the program through SUSLA and attend classes offered on the SUBR, SUNO or LSU-S campuses. SUSLA is the “HOME” campus, and the four-year institution is the “HOST” institution. When a student has completed, a minimum of, 15 transferable hours of college-level work (including college-level English and Math) and attained an overall grade point average of at least 2.0, he or she is eligible to transfer to SUBR, SUNO or LSU-S. Admissions and transfer procedures will be facilitated by admissions officers at the respective campuses.

Students enrolled in the program pay SUSLA tuition and the fees of the host campus. Financial aid applications must be submitted to SUSLA. Participants will have access to all university resources and activities on the SUBR, SUNO or LSU-S campuses and may opt to also reside in campus housing provided by the host campus.

For those who do not wish to transfer, he or she can also attain an Associate Degree with SUSLA. Those degrees include the General Studies (AGS), the Louisiana Transfer (AALT), or the Louisiana Transfer (ASLT).

Some of the requirements of participation in the SU College Connect Program include:

  • The applicant must first apply for admission to the four-year institution.
  • Applicants must pay the required application fee to the four-year institution.
  • Applicants are to submit all required documents to be admitted into the four-year institution.
  • Upon review, the four-year institution may REFER the student for participation in Connect.
  • The applicant may be asked to complete an application for admission on the SUSLA website, but an application fee will not be charged.
  • The applicant can be a first–time freshman entering college for the first time with a high school diploma or high school equivalence diploma (HiSet) from a SBESE- Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education or out of state equivalent.
  • High School Transcript/GED/HiSet.
  • American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the Accuplacer – Next Generation Test scores (for placement purposes only).

The applicant can be a transfer student and must be eligible to return to his or her prior institution(s). All transfer students will be evaluated on a case by case basis to determine eligibility based upon the number of credits earned from the prior institution(s).

Students must provide:

  • Transcripts from the prior institution(s).
  • Proof of current immunization records MUST be submitted to the “HOST” institution.

Applicants with previous test scores at other institutions who indicate need for remediation in English will be placed in INRW-098 or INRW-099. If remediation is needed in mathematics, applicants will be placed in Math-089 or Math-090. Applicants have the right to take the Accuplacer – Next Generation Test, at their own expense, to test into a higher level of either English or mathematics.