Clock Hour/Credit Hour Equivalencies

Course Type Course Definition Credit Hour Policy
Lecture The predominant mode of instruction is lecturing from prepared materials and/or discussion under the direction of the instructor. A lecture course credit hour is earned for 150-minute weekly session of classroom instruction with a normal expectation of 2 hours of outside study for each class session. Typically, a three-semester credit hour course meets for a total of 2,250 minutes per semester.
Lab The predominant method of instruction is individual study in a classroom, laboratory, shop, or studio under the direction of the instructor. This method of instruction includes learning activities in laboratories, clinics, workplaces where students receive hand on learning experience under the supervision of the instructor or preceptor. A laboratory course credit hour is awarded for the equivalent of 150 minutes or more with little or no outside preparation expected. A total of 750 minutes per semester of such activity would normally earn one semester credit hour.
Online A distance education means education that uses certain technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor. The interaction may be synchronous (student and instructor are in communication at the same time) as asynchronous. The technologies and may include the Internet; audio conferencing; or one way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communication devices. Source: Federal Student Handbook August 2015) For asynchronous courses, one credit hour should approximate a total of 750 minutes of class time a semester and 1500 minutes of class preparation each week for a semester or an equivalent amount of time for a course of a different duration.
Hybrid Hybrid courses blend face to face and online instruction. These courses spend a portion of course time (generally 50%) in online activities to achieve an equal proportion of the course’s overall learning objectives. The hybrid courses, one credit hour should approximate a total of 750 minutes of class time a semester and 1500 minutes of class preparation each week for a semester or an equivalent amount of time for a course of a different duration.
Internships Supervised professional experience in a student’s field of study that provides him/her the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in an academic setting. A required number of hours must be met. There are specific course numbers assigned to internships. Internship or apprenticeship credit hours will be determined by agreement between the supervising faculty and the internship supervisor, both of whom must judge and certify different aspects of the student’s work. An internship or apprenticeship credit hour encompasses three-to-four hours per week of supervised and/or independent practice, reflection and analysis, which represents between 45 and 60 hours of work per semester. Blocks of 3 credit hours represent between 135 and 180 total hours of academic work per semester, unless additional hours are required by licensing bodies.
Studio work A course with primary emphasis on student activity leading to skill development and the enhancement and encouragement of the student’s design or performance ability and/or artistic growth. Needed materials, instruments, equipment, and/or tools are provided, or recommendations are made for their acquisition. Evaluation of individual learning may include public display of proficiency and/or evaluation by faculty other than the student’s instructor. The visual/performing arts credit hour is calculated according to the federal definition of a "practice credit hour." A practice credit hour encompasses three hours per week of supervised and/or independent practice, which represents 45 hours of work per semester. Blocks of 3 credit hours represent 135 clock hours of academic work per semester.
Clinical/Practicum A class consisting of hands-on application of concepts in a specific course that takes place outside the classroom setting and is supervised by an appropriately credentialed professional. Instruction offered through a combination of class and laboratory meetings would observe the standards on a pro rata basis. For health professions, clinical credit is awarded in compliance with the individual program accreditation standards based on a "contact-to-credit hour" ratio with a minimum ratio of 1:1.
The individual health profession ratios are listed in the chart below.
Health Profession *Contact-to-Credit Hour Ratio
Dental Hygiene 4:1
How ratio was calculated
16 Contact hours per week: Course 4 credit hours
Dialysis Technician 1:1
How ratio was calculated
8 Contact hours per week: Course 8 credit hours
Emergency Medical Technician Basic 1:1
How ratio was calculated
12 Contact hours per week: Course 12 credit hours
Health Information Technology 5:1
How ratio was calculated
16 Contact hours per week: Course 3 credit hours
Medical Coding Specialist 5:1
How ratio was calculated
16 Contact hours per week: Course 3 credit hours
Medical Laboratory Technology 24:1
How ratio was calculated
24 Contact hours per week: Course 3 credit hours
Phlebotomy 8:3
How ratio was calculated
24 Contact hours per week: Course 9 credit hours
Radiology Technology 8:1
How ratio was calculated
24 Contact hours per week: Course 3 credit hours
Respiratory Therapy 5:1
How ratio was calculated
16 Contact hours per week: Course 3 credit hours
Surgical Technology 3:1
How ratio was calculated
18 Contact hours per week: Course 6 credit hours
Sterile Processing 2:1
How ratio was calculated
24 Contact hours per week: Course 10 credit hours
Nursing 3:1
How ratio was calculated
12 Contact hours per week: Course 4 credit hours

*The Health Professions contact hours vary depending on the requirements for Clinical experience.