Catalog Governing Degree Requirements

Students must meet the curricular requirements for a degree outlined in an appropriate issue of the Southern University at Shreveport Catalog. Students are required to know degree requirements.

They may complete work for graduation according to requirements in the catalog of the year in which they enter, or those of any catalog in force during their enrollment at this university, providing their residence enrollment is continuous and does not exceed ten years. Students, whose enrollment is interrupted for at least two consecutive semesters, will be subject to the catalog in effect at the time of their reentry or subsequent catalog in force during their enrollment at this university.

Transferring from one institution to another is not regarded in itself as an interruption of enrollment. The interval between withdrawal from the previous institution, if any, and enrollment at this university, is the controlling factor.

The student is responsible for obtaining in writing any waiver or other deviation from the approved curriculum and from requirements for the degree sought from the academic advisor with approval of the department chair, division dean, and vice chancellor.

Changes in Degree Requirements

The university reserves the right to add or delete degree requirements and course offerings. Students in continuous full-time attendance, with no change in curriculum major, are entitled to graduate under the degree provisions of the catalog in effect at the time of their entry at Southern University at Shreveport. Students may choose any issue of the catalog in force during their residence at Southern University at Shreveport upon approval of the division dean, with the following exceptions:

A catalog more than five (5) years old shall not be used.

  • Students in continuous attendance as part-time students with no change in curriculum shall satisfy the degree requirements listed in the catalog in effect at the time of entrance; provided graduation occurs no later than 10 years after initial enrollment. If graduation occurs after the tenth year, the catalog in force will be determined with the approval of the concerned division dean.
  • Students in continuous full-time attendance who change their major curriculum shall satisfy the degree requirements listed in the catalog in force at the time the change in curriculum becomes effective. Upon the recommendation of the division dean, a subsequent catalog may be used.
  • A student whose enrollment is interrupted for two or more consecutive semesters shall satisfy the degree requirements listed in the catalog in force at the time of reentry. The failure to attend summer school or absence due to military service or to major illness attested to by a physician will not be considered an interruption.
  • If progress toward a degree is interrupted for two or more consecutive semesters, credit earned prior to the interruption must be evaluated at the time of readmission by the academic advisor to determine the applicability of credits earned during the previous period of enrollment to the current curricular requirements. Final approval by the division dean and the vice chancellor is required.

Requirements for Catalog Change

Continuing students may elect a subsequent catalog when a new major is selected or when a catalog reflects a revised curriculum. The university will make a reasonable effort to honor the statement of curricular requirements in the chosen issue of the catalog. However, because courses and programs are sometimes discontinued and requirements are changed as a result of actions by accrediting associations and other external agencies, the university, having sole discretion, shall make the final determination whether or not degree requirements are met.

Procedures to Change Catalog

If a student wishes to request a change of university catalog for graduation requirements, the student must complete a Request for Change of University Catalog for Degree or Certificate Requirements Form.

This form must be signed by the student's advisor, division dean, and vice chancellor for academic affairs if the catalog request is over five years old.

Academic Grievances

The instructor has authority over all matters affecting conduct of classes; including assignment of grades. Student performance may be evaluated based on written work and/or other performance standards as determined by the instructor. If a student has a complaint about classroom activities or grades, the student may submit a grievance. If circumstances require such process to be sought, students are encouraged to submit complaints or grievances in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. The student must first discuss the issue with the faculty member involved and explain the basis for his/her grievance within six weeks after the grade is awarded. After six weeks, a student forfeits the right to appeal. Note: this policy does not apply to students disputing grades received on exams, assignments, research papers, clinical rotations, etc. Those kinds of grade disputes must be resolved between the faculty member and the student within the same semester. This policy does not apply to grades students received due to non-attendance.
  2. If the matter is not resolved with the faculty member, the student may appeal to the division dean, program coordinator/director within three (3) working days. This appeal must be in writing and should describe the basis for the student’s complaint as well as the outcome of the discussion with the faculty member. Within three (3) working days following the receipt of the grievance, the division dean program coordinator/director will make a decision regarding the student complaint and will provide a written response to the student.
  3. If the matter is not resolved with the division dean program coordinator/director, the student may appeal in writing to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs within five (5) working days. The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will render a decision or call a meeting of the Instructional Grievance Committee. If an Instructional Grievance Committee meeting is called, the following will apply:
    1. The Instructional Grievance Committee is composed of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or designee, who serves as the chair, faculty members, staff members, and/or administrators.
    2. The student must be present when the grievance is heard. The student may have an advisor present during the hearing. If an advisor will be present, the student must inform the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in writing at least two (2) working days prior to the hearing.
    3. The responsibility of the committee shall be limited to a review of the case to determine if established policies, procedures, or practices were followed and interpreted correctly.
    4. The Instructional Grievance Committee will render its decision in writing to the student within (5) working days.

No grade will be changed after twelve (12) months following the completion of the course in question. This provides ample time to have a grade formally and successfully appealed.

Complaint Tracking: The Office of Academic Affairs and Workforce Development, track each Academic Student Complaint and maintain within that system a record of the following for not less than two (2) years after final disposition of the complaint:

  • Date complaint was received.
  • Students identified with the complaint.
  • Copy of the complaint.
  • College officials who address the complaint.
  • Steps taken to resolve the complaint.
  • Final resolution or disposition of the complaint.
  • Any external actions taken by the complainant of which the Office of Academic Affairs and Workforce Development becomes aware. The data tracked will be assessed and made available to regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies, as required in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and policies.

This policy is aligned with the Louisiana Board of Regents Student Complaint Process Filing a Student Complaint Against a Louisiana Institution

  1. Process for students enrolled at a Louisiana Post-secondary academic degree-granting institution:

The First step for students who wish to file a complaint against a Louisiana institution is to exhaust all of the institution’s student complaint or grievance procedures. An institution’s student complaint or grievance procedures are typically available in the academic catalog or student handbook on the institution’s website.

This policy is aligned with Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Section 12: Academic and Student Support Services, Standards 12.4. The institution (a) publishes appropriate and clear procedures for addressing written student complaints, (b) demonstrates that it follows the procedures when resolving them, and (c) maintains a record of student complaints that can be accessed upon request by SACSCOC. (Student complaints)

(See SUSLA Academic Complaint and Grievance - #1-002)

Credit Hour Policy

At Southern University at Shreveport, a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates:

  • Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time, or
  • At least an equivalent amount of work as required outlined in item 1 above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practice, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Course requirements shall include at a minimum the following:

  • A minimum of 2,250 minutes per three semester hour course, which may include final exam time.
  • A minimum of 15 weeks per semester.
  • Consistent with and in accordance to Federal regulations, a three-hour course at Southern University at Shreveport requires a minimum of 150 minutes of classroom or faculty-directed instruction per week for a period of 15 weeks.

All courses offered on a different schedule or in alternative methods provide the equivalent per credit hour assigned.